Save Wagner MMC220 Extended Range Moisture Meter
No holes are only the beginning to these new feature packed moisture meters. These meters use the latest in electromagnetic wave technology to provide fast, pin-free moisture content readings. Reads an area of 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" to a depth of 3/4". This reading automatically compensates for the species of wood you are measuring by the specific gravity you select right on the meter. This eliminates the need to refer to manual correction tables! The MMC 220 has an added Press/Hold feature to capture readings, higher moisture content range of 5 - 30 displaying in tenths of a percent, and an extended specific gravity selection of 0.20 - 1.00. Each meter includes a soft carrying case and a comprehensive reference library CD that will allow you to find species correction information, view the moisture content, wood video library and much, much more. Wagner Extended Range Moisture Meter--part of the MMC220 Extended Range Proline Digital Display instantly and accurately measures moisture content of rough finish grade wood Measures from 5-to 30-percent moisture content, scans to .75-inch depth and offers press/hold feature Allows you to select species settings, eliminating the need to refer to correction tables after taking readings Virtually unaffected by temperature or surface moisture
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